Message from our CEO
Since the birth of Bitcoin, blockchain technology had been too much focused from the aspect of cryptocurrency. Looking back the crypto bubble and burst in 2017/18 and the recent price soaring, we have seen many opinions biased or negative not only about crypto but also the whole blockchain-related. However, it is fact that the social implementation of blockchain technology is indeed progressing. And the recent prevalence of “DX” or digital transformation and rising momentum for social change are pushing this forward. We understand now is the time for blockchain technology would definitely perform as “distractive technology”.
Founded in 2016, BlockchainHub Inc. has committed to using the technology to the commercial business, instead of just PoC (proof-of-concept) or test run only. Currently, BlockchainHub has three operations: “Academy”, “Collaboration”, “Incubation”, and “Gateway”.

Formerly, Go worked at Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. for project management in power generation plant engineering, and, after obtaining MBA degree from University of Cambridge, Go joined Accenture Japan Ltd. (strategy) for management consulting in resource industries, and then moved to Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation (or SMBC) for global project finance in power generation and resource mining projects. Most recently, Go dedicated to open innovation projects for Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group, SMBC’s parent firm, in precise, investment in venture capital funds and direction to Silicon Valley Digital Innovation Lab., until 2018.
MBA from University of Cambridge, Fintech certificate from University of Oxford, BA in Economics from the University of Tokyo.

Chief Science Officer
Kenji Saito
CEO of Beyond Blockchain Inc. Professor of Waseda Univ. Senior Staff of Keio Research Institute at SFC. Lecturer of Environment and Information Studies at Keio Univ. Dr. in policy and media, Masters in computer science.

Senior Architect
Takeshi Kubo
CEO of Zettant Inc. Experienced research of decentralized computing and game theory, and project management of developing telecommunication infrastructure, at a Japanese domestic carrier. Master from Kyoto Univ.